Enterprise Information Control Solutions

Pros and Cons of Existing Enterprise Information Control Solutions

Enterprise information management is a set of strategies, techniques, and tools used to capture, manage, store, protect, and deliver information and documents related to an organization’s business processes.

How to Use the Management of Enterprise for Improving Your Business Needs?

The management of corporate information (or content) can be approached both from the side of practice and from the side of theory. Undoubtedly, the practical aspects of this process are more interesting, primarily because of their business orientation. However, in order for a variety of practical issues to form a structured system of knowledge, some theoretical basis is needed.

The management of enterprise information (or content) can be approached both from the side of the practice and from the side of theory. Undoubtedly, the practical aspects of ECM are more interesting, primarily because of their business orientation. However, in order for various practical issues to form into a structured system of knowledge, some theoretical basis is needed.

There are two very important points in the definition of enterprise information control:

  1. First moment. Enterprise information control is carried out throughout the entire life cycle of information: from its creation or receipt by the organization to delivery to the end-user or destruction after the expiration of the storage period.
  2. Second moment. Enterprise information control is not only tools, that is, information systems, but also strategies and methods of information management. If there is no understanding of the task and the developed strategy, if the methods are not developed and followed, then the introduction of enterprise information control tools will not be able to solve the problems of the organization.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Existing Enterprise Information Control Solutions

The existing enterprise information control solutions provide work with any unstructured information: text and electronic documents and tables, images, drawings, graphs, presentations, video and audio files, e-mail messages, web pages, and other information content necessary for the organization’s work.

The existing enterprise information control solutions arose because their main advantages appeared:

  • long-term business development and strategy implementation;
  • uniform rules of work, regardless of the level in the corporate hierarchy;
  • accountability of managers on specific indicators within specific tasks;
  • creating accounts and issuing appropriate rights to them in various IT systems when hiring employees;
  • changing the rights of employees when they are transferred to another position or changing job responsibilities;
  • blocking accounts when an employee goes on vacation (by the way, in many organizations, this elementary action has not yet become the norm);
  • deletion or blocking of employee accounts in case of dismissal;
  • recovery of forgotten passwords (there is evidence that in large organizations with strict requirements for the regularity of password changes, up to 60% of the time of local administrators is spent on recovering forgotten passwords).

However, it is also important to note some disadvantages of using the enterprise information cloud solutions:

  1. load on communication channels;
  2. reducing the rate of reaction;
  3. is not reliable and secure enough, as it is not immune from human errors and from intruders who can make a call on behalf of a regional operator.

Corporate information usually does not have a clear and uniform structure for all organizations – it can be files of various formats, electronic documents with different sets of fields, as well as other materials that are used in the work of the company. Thus, such systems are faced with the task of managing and ensuring the availability of this heterogeneous information.
